Thursday, March 7th, 2013
Cocaine is an illicit street drug that is considered one of the most powerful stimulants in the entire world and is highly addictive. Users often snort, smoke or inject the drug to experience great sense of euphoria & bliss followed by an extreme crash that in turn makes the user want to continue using the […]
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Wednesday, March 6th, 2013
Successful cocaine addiction treatment can often occur in an outpatient setting because the drug is not as physically addictive as some other simulants or substances tend to be. Hospitalization may be necessary in order to treat withdrawal symptoms and to prevent the continued use of cocaine during the early stages of the addiction treatment as […]
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Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

For many recovering cocaine addicts, 12 step programs provide the foundation for a lifelong recovery from addiction. 12-step recovery programs utilize a series of “steps” to help the addict build a support system that aids in the recovery process. Attending regular community meetings is a major part of the 12-step treatment process. In addition to […]
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Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Community Reinforcement is also known as contingency management and is a type of behavioral therapy. This therapy utilizes a rewards system that provides recovering cocaine addicts with monetary or valuable rewards when they meet certain behavioral requirements. Community reinforcement is a behavioral therapy that works on the premise that people will perform certain actions if […]
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Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a method of treating cocaine addiction through changed behaviors and attitudes. A CBT therapist will help the recovering addict to learn what situations place them at risk of relapsing so that they can then learn how to avoid such situations whenever possible. CBT for cocaine addiction treatment also helps the recovering […]
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